A Geriatric Care Manager is a professional who can plan and coordinate the care of an elderly person. This service can often be used to improve the quality of life and to assist an individual living on their own to maintain more of their independence. The Geriatric Care Manager can be trained in a variety of different professions. Nursing, Gerontology, Social work, and Psychology are a few of the fields specialized in by Geriatric Care Managers. This professional can provide an extra set of hands and can help families who are caring for older relatives. They can stand in as a provider when families cannot be around. They are especially helpful when a family is trying to care for an elder who lives far away from the rest of the family.

According to the National Care Planning Council, the following are a few of the Services a Geriatric Care Manager can provide:
- Care-planning assessments to identify needs.
- Creating a care plan together, as well as putting the plan in place
- Screening, arranging, and monitoring in-home help.
- Acting as a communicator to families who live at a distance.
- Assisting with moving clients to or from different care settings.
- Reviewing financial, legal, or medical issues and referring clients to experts.
- Providing crisis intervention.
- Providing client and family education.
- Visiting clients on a regular, routine basis to make sure they are safe, doing well, eating properly, and taking needed medications.
- Making necessary medical appointments and assuring client gets to them.
- Identifying agencies and/or social services and other programs that can benefit the client.
- Monitoring the elder’s finances and paying bills.