“A long overdue THANK YOU for getting my mom placed at Braeburn Manor. It would have been a much different outcome without you and we are so grateful to you for your patient and kind help. I truly appreciate all your guidance and advice.”
— Kim W.
“I can’t thank you enough for your help in finding a new place for my father. In case you haven’t heard, he moved to The Cottage of Spring Branch last Thursday. I am so impressed with Dr. Zahra Nizami and with what they are doing at The Cottage. It seems too good to be true! I would not have been able to find The Cottage without you and Emma Douglas and I am extremely grateful to you both.”
— Pamela S.
“I want to thank you so much for the tremendous help you have been in locating a good place for my 91 yr old mother. You have spent time listening to my desires for a place my mom can be cared for now that she can no longer stay in her home. You educated me about the realities of assisted living, the benefits, and challenges. And you helped me identify a place that is providing quality care for my mom.
For all of this, I am deeply grateful.”
— Sharon E.
“My brother is really settling in well at his new personal care home. He’s happy and they started his PT/OT right away! Dana, I am so glad that having that little conversation with Jason led me to you, your kindness and expertise. We know that you went above and beyond to get him to a great place. Picking up his meds, everything. I’ve never had so much caring and going the extra mile as you did from anyone while going they this. Thanks so very much! I will refer you to anyone needing your services!! Take care.”
— Janet M.
“Christopher is really settling in well at Proverbial. He’s happy and they started his PT/OT right away! Dana, I am so glad that having that little conversation with Jason led me to you, your kindness and expertise. We know that you went above and beyond to get him to a great place. Picking up his meds, everything. I’ve never had so much caring and going the extra mile as you did from anyone while going they this. Thanks so very much! Please let us know how to repay you and we wish blessings and help and happiness to you and yours!! I will refer you to anyone needing your services!! Take care. I’ll be in touch about the treatment info you sent. I’ve been so wrapped up getting him what he needs etc I haven’t had time to research and look at the info. But I promise I will! If you believe in it, it has to great things! Sorry so long! Take care!!”
— Jo Stewart
“Starting a new business is never easy but we had gone through several months without any true referrals. We met Mrs. Little through a gentleman who came by to visit and am better today for it. Since we joined with Dana Little Enterprise, we have increased our census and have gained so much knowledge of this industry. Having someone with an unbiased position allows for referrals that are more specific to your facility and what they offer. Her personal care experience allows her to reach her clients at a level others wouldn’t. She is very professional and is very honest giving great feedback that encourages growth and advancement. Because of her knowledge of the industry, as well as, personal experience with caring for a loved one, I have seen a commitment to clients that is admirable. Her judgment is superb and extends herself at length to get good care for her clients even when there is no personal gain.
Thank you, Mrs. Little, for allowing us to have an opportunity to show what we can do and for caring beyond what is expected for your clients. We are grateful to have your company’s quality service. It is rare to have someone with the heart and expertise you have and appreciate all you do.
From us at Eden’s Reflection, Thank you.”
— Tashna McKoy, RN., Eden’s Reflection
“Dana is a wellness consultant that works with a proven technology that heals the body inside out improving cellular breakdown in the body. She also provides families with assistance in elderly placements in reputable licensed senior facilities such as mine (Circles at Wrenway). I highly recommend Dana Little in areas noted above.”
— Shelia Stewart, Circles at Wrenway
“I’ve worked with Dana for many years and have a great deal of respect for her and her abilities.”
— Senior Resource Guide For Active Aging Adults